Peritus Childcare Sales, as exclusive sales and marketing agents is pleased to present for your consideration 49-51 Orara Street, Waitara, Sydney, a robust, entry level, 38 place long day care childcare centre trading at 92% occupancy, boasting a 28 year lease term remaining and $162 Average Daily Fee
Expression of Interest Closing Friday 8 November 2024.
- The asset is an exceptional 38-place long day care childcare leasehold opportunity located in the tightly held suburb of Waitara, within the epicentre of significant high density residential development
- Long term weekly utilisation track record averaging 96%
- Current daily fees of $165 (0-2), $165 (2-3) and $160 (3-5) offering further upside potential
- Sustainable rental with a passing base rent reflecting a 12.8% occupancy cost ratio
- Very attractive lease terms on offer with over 28 lease years remaining, offering exceptional terminal value and asset value protection
- Stable defined catchment area Demand:Supply ratio of 2.3:1
- Meeting NQS in all 7 Quality Areas
- FY 2024 Actual Normalised EBITDA of $217,000
- 12-month Pro-forma EBITDA (net profit) potential adopting current fees and a stable occupancy at 95% of approximately $250,000 (adopting industry averages)
- 12-month Pro-forma EBITDA (net profit) potential adopting current fees and a stable occupancy at 100% of approximately $300,000 (adopting industry averages)
- The centre offers a first-time operator the perfect opportunity given its currently trading at 92% occupancy, with a long history of holding an average of 96% occupancy with a very affordable rent
“A rare opportunity to acquire an easy management, perfectly staffed, entry-level 38 place childcare centre, trading at 92% occupancy with 28 years left on the lease "
Current Daily Fees
$165 (0-2)
$165 (2-3)
$160 (3-5)
Passing Base Rent
12.8% Occupancy Cost Ratio || 28 Years Remaining On Lease
Estimated Resident Population
67,562 (Estimated Resident Population 2024 Defined Catchment Area)
4,623 (Resident 0-5 Population - Defined Catchment Area)
2.3 (Defined Catchment Area Demand: Supply Ratio)
There is a total of 48,000 local jobs within the region
Waitara is situated within the Hornsby Shire Council area which is an economic behemoth, generating Gross Regional Product (economic output) of approximately $8.7bn per annum
Enquire now
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